THOT: Jan 5, 2023

Embarking on a New Year of Innovation

Hey there,

Happy New Year and welcome to the first edition of THOT for 2024! It’s a slightly different one. As we step into this new year, we're excited to announce a series of initiatives that align with our vision of fostering a community where technology and responsibility converge. This year, we're not just sharing insights; we're creating a platform for collaborative innovation and meaningful change.

Announcing Our Upcoming Workshop Series:

In 2024, THOT is launching a series of co-creation workshops designed for everyone who interacts with technology, whether in their professional or personal lives. Our goal is to create a space where diverse voices come together to shape a future where technology is synonymous with responsibility.

1. Co-creation with Diverse Voices:

  • Embracing Perspectives: This co-creation process will be tailored to include a wide range of participants, ensuring that we capture a rich tapestry of experiences and insights. Whether you're a tech expert, a curious novice, or someone who's just starting to explore the digital world, your voice matters.

2. Redefining Innovation:

  • Interactive Discussions: We'll delve into how technology impacts our daily lives and future aspirations. Our co-creation process will challenge conventional thinking and explore how innovation can be a force for positive change in society.

3. Tailored to Your Needs:

  • Community-Driven Content: Your questions, challenges, and curiosities will shape our co-creation process. We aim to provide content that resonates with you, offering practical insights and fostering a space for shared learning and growth.

A Future Where Technology Meets Responsibility:

Our vision for 2024 is to build a community where technology and responsibility are not at odds but are intertwined. Through our initiatives, we aim to explore how we can leverage technology to create a sustainable, equitable, and responsible future. We believe that by coming together, we can build a world where innovation serves humanity's best interests.

Stay Tuned for More Details:

In the coming weeks, we'll share more information about the workshop, formats, dates, topics, and how you can be a part of this exciting journey. We're thrilled to embark on this adventure with you and can't wait to see the incredible ideas and collaborations that will emerge.

Feedback & Connect: Loved this edition? Have suggestions? We'd love to hear from you. Connect with us!

Stay Curious. Stay Unstoppable.

Dr. Som Narayan and The THOT Team.