THOT: Oct 6, 2023

Don't Miss Out! How AI is changing decision-making in business!

Hey there,

Today in the THOT bulletin, discover how AI is changing decision-making in business.

Imagine having a behind-the-scenes strategist, quietly transforming chaos into order, data into decisions, and strategies into successes. That’s AI for us in the modern organizational world. It’s not just algorithms and computations; it’s our silent partner, making sense of the complexities and navigating through the intricate decision-making labyrinths.

In this edition, we’re exploring this unseen yet omnipresent ally, understanding its depth, and unraveling how it’s quietly sculpting our organizational and strategic futures. The TL:DR: is that Artificial Intelligence doesn’t replace our decision making but it can surely elevate it. Intrigued? Let’s dive deeper together.

The History: Why this Matters

How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Organizational Decision-Making

AI is not merely a tool; it’s a strategic ally in making more informed, timely, and impactful decisions within organizations. This piece from Forbes sheds light on how AI sifts through the complexity of data, offering insights that are not just data-driven but are also strategically aligned with organizational goals.

The History: A Global Perspective

Analyzing artificial intelligence plans in 34 countries

AI is not bound by borders. Its impact reverberates globally, with 34 countries carving out their unique AI strategies, each echoing their socio-economic, cultural, and technological contexts. Dive into the global AI strategies and explore how nations are harnessing AI to propel themselves into a future where technology and strategy converge.

The Tomorrow: What to Expect

What are the key AI predictions for 2023 and beyond?

The future of AI unfurls a tapestry of possibilities and predictions that could redefine our technological and strategic landscapes. Discover the AI predictions for 2023 and beyond, and explore how these forecasts could mold your strategic endeavors and organizational blueprints.

The Tomorrow: A How-To

How To Make It Easier To Implement AI In Your Business

Embarking on an AI journey can be intricate yet immensely rewarding. Here’s a guide on how to seamlessly weave AI into your business, ensuring that its implementation is not just technologically sound but also strategically aligned with your organizational objectives.

Research Deep Dive

Understanding the interplay of artificial intelligence and strategic management

AI and strategic management are entwined in a dance that could redefine organizational paradigms. Harness the insights from this research to delve into the intricate interplay between AI and strategic management, exploring how one informs and transforms the other.

So finally, as we wrap up our first edition of the THOT newsletter, we invite you to ponder: How can your business harness the transformative power of AI? Remember, the future isn't something that happens to us; it's something we create. Let's shape it, together.

Feedback & Connect: Loved this edition? Have suggestions? We'd love to hear from you. Connect with us!

Stay Curious. Stay Unstoppable.

Dr. Som Narayan and The THOT Team.